Thursday, June 17, 2010

Two weeks and counting...

My family and I are moving to the Chicago area in about two weeks.

There. It's typed. It's out there in the blogosphere.

This is scary stuff for me, and not just because we are moving with a 3 and a 2 year old in tow. In thirtysome years, I have never lived outside of Michigan. And as far as Chicagoland goes, I've only been there a handful of times. So, I'll be a stranger in a strange land. A Stranger in Chicagoland. See what I did there?

However, I am determined to explore my new surroundings. Most of the time, I'll have the aforementioned daughter and son with me. But sometimes, we be joined by my husband, who is already in Chicago for his new job. (BTW, Happy Birthday Honey!) And, on a few miracle occasions, it will just be me and him. High on the Chicago to do list-find a proper babysitter.

Anyone out there have any suggestions? Popular places that everyone loves? Little out of the way places that only the locals know? Cool stuff for families? Good date night spots? Let me know in the comments or shoot me an e-mail.

I'll post more about the move and our adventures here.

1 comment:

  1. So did you find a house? Where are you going to be? As you know, I am happy to help!
