Friday, June 25, 2010

Please wipe your feet before entering

So I've been packing. It's keeping me busy. Not that I needed more busy, but, ya know...

The house has been on the market since Monday and we have had three showings with one repeater. No word yet on whether or not the repeater will make an offer-he was back just this morning-but we are encouraged by the amount of traffic we've had come through the house so far.

It's weird to have people you don't know come through the house without you being there. It's downright creepy, in fact. They are critiquing something you own behind your back. Like, "That is the worst paint color.", which I said to The Husband upon first entering the room that would become our bedroom. The Pepto pink is now a warm yellow shade. I fully expect to come back home after a showing to a note saying, "That is the ugliest couch. EVER!".

And, OMG...8 days to M-day...gulp.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Taking the Piggy to Market

Our house is now up for sale. We signed all the paperwork today. It will be on the MLS Monday.

We have enjoyed our home. It's in a nice, friendly neighborhood within walking distance to our little downtown. The house itself is a cute, 1920's colonial. It's the only house the kiddos have ever known.

I didn't shed any tears signing the papers, mind you. We have had buyers' reality(not really remorse). Our bargain basement appliances, the fact that only one of the interior doors closes properly, the small room just off the full bath that we never really knew what to do with; you get the picture.

Anyway, with some very good luck in this crappy real estate market known as Michigan, all of those issues will be for someone else to deal with.

Any takers? :)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Two weeks and counting...

My family and I are moving to the Chicago area in about two weeks.

There. It's typed. It's out there in the blogosphere.

This is scary stuff for me, and not just because we are moving with a 3 and a 2 year old in tow. In thirtysome years, I have never lived outside of Michigan. And as far as Chicagoland goes, I've only been there a handful of times. So, I'll be a stranger in a strange land. A Stranger in Chicagoland. See what I did there?

However, I am determined to explore my new surroundings. Most of the time, I'll have the aforementioned daughter and son with me. But sometimes, we be joined by my husband, who is already in Chicago for his new job. (BTW, Happy Birthday Honey!) And, on a few miracle occasions, it will just be me and him. High on the Chicago to do list-find a proper babysitter.

Anyone out there have any suggestions? Popular places that everyone loves? Little out of the way places that only the locals know? Cool stuff for families? Good date night spots? Let me know in the comments or shoot me an e-mail.

I'll post more about the move and our adventures here.